    Working behind a computer screen is not the only duty when working for a football team. Sometimes we take care of the inventory that comes in for the upcoming camps and the season. I used to wonder who kept the locker-room in order, who brought in the new equipment, who organized everything in the locker-room. It is just another job for the coaches to keep these things in order.

    I helped with the inventory and all the new equipment that comes in and I would have never known how much work it is to take care of it. We got a new stock of helmets, socks, bags, shoes, warm ups, workout outfits, and even new shoulder pads. It was our job to record how much we receive, organize all of the new equipment and prepare the locker-room for camp. Taking care of a large locker-room full of a football team can be a tough job. Every player needs a solid helmet, good shoulder pads, pants, pads, and mouthpieces. This would occur time to time as a coach and we interns would pick up the inventory from the mail room and transfer it down to the football locker room. 

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